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Day 5 高尾 (Taiwan Travel Blog)Nov 28, 2015

I really walked much around today till I was about to fall down on the street in coma. 高尾, here is the city near a marine port, very south part of Taiwan, a major famous place to visit.


I could see those following things today through the long long walking day activity.

Dragon & Tiger underneath twin towers

The dragon eats up visitors with his big mouth. Going upstairs, I could come inside him.

Down town


Young people enjoy eating & shopping


My favourite sport drink with Chinese characters on its face, looks very different but fun.


Paint art on a garage wall


There were shops near the port and I enjoyed seeing them. What I bought was this handkerchief.

I like it but I also like its paper packet. Feel the sense of art and humor.

I really like the people’s sense here. Everything is so intriguing. Sometimes it’s nostalgic, sometimes it’s cute with humor lots of things caught my eyes and wouldn’t release. I just couldn’t pass through such things here.

(to be continued)